I received this today and thought it was a fantastic sales pitch! Made me want to go back and try it again, although I don’t recall trying it the first time :)

Hi James,

It can sometimes be challenging to find a graceful way to give a gift. These days many people are suspicious or cynical. They’ve been jaded by so many nefarious schemes with hidden agendas. But in spite of all that, I am going to try to give you something anyway …something that is truly valuable and doesn’t have any strings attached.

Here goes.

You, as a past subscriber, raised your hand as someone with interest in living well. I can only guess that you may still be interested. And assuming that you are, I am giving you a full and free membership to our website for the rest of the year — complete access through December 31st, 2009.

This gift is without strings or restrictions. It is simply a gift. You may download the most recent health book, gain access to all of the website articles and expert reports, peruse the archives, use each and every one of the resources and test your health progress with our amazing tool, the Physical Wellness Indicator.

Now I hear you asking “why.”

We’ll it isn’t because we are desperate for members. On the contrary, ever since 2000, we have had a better year than the previous one — And this year is no exception. Our membership revenues have never been higher. 2009 has blessed us with our best year…in spite of all the so-called economic doom and gloom in the news

I’m not bragging–exactly the opposite. I am humbled by our success and proud of our people who have worked together to succeed in the face of challenge and adversity.

But most of all, I am thankful for having had you as a subscriber. And, this is a chance for me to give *you* something that is affordable for us and *could easily be more valuable than money* to you during what many are predicting to be a continuation of the challenges being faced all over the economic landscape.

Personally, I feel energized by the opportunities upon us. My years of life experience have taught me that, in good times, anybody can succeed. But when the industry turns challenging, those of us with the best attitude, resources and health become the eagles who literally soar above the turmoil.

Hopefully you are already soaring like an eagle. And if not yet, then please allow me to put a little wind into your sails by gifting you with our researched information for living well. No strings attached!

If interested, simply respond to this email with the subject, “Healthy Me”

Again – Thank you!