Just read this on The Register

Mark Zuckerberg, Google founders Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and a whole raft of Google’s top brass have suddenly activated the privacy settings on their Google+ profiles. (theregister.co.uk/2011/07/13/facebook_google_brass_hide_from_google_plus/)

Even though they want you to expose your entire life to world+dog over the interwebs, they would rather not.

The newly activated privacy settings has made it impossible to see who is following them on Google+.

surf safely
I’ve not used Google +1, but if the top execs are concerned about their privacy using this service, and they are the ones who created it, then I’d be crazy not to be concerned as well!

Perhaps some significant privacy policy change is soon to come that would make available more information then they like, perhaps the application will receive modifications that revealing more than it does now or perhaps they have discovered it draws too clear a picture of their relationships to others – in any event, when the top brass bail, it’s a concern.

Information is the key to power, question is, how much information are you giving away? Not sure? Check out this anonymous test to find out if you are leaking personal information as you surf the net! Make sure you take the firewall test as well, they are both completely free.