Barrister Mike Ego

Another scam! This time I am the next of Kin who happened to be a Russian Oil Dealer and has 27 million sitting in a bank account only I can get to. If I come forward, I’ll get 40% of the 27 Million. Barrister Mike Ego would get 50% and %10 percent would be saved for the US Taxes – Ya, right! More like 42% should be saved for Uncle Sam – provided there was any truth to this line of crap!

The Barrister Mike Ego scam is attached below – do not respond to it! ——————————-


I hope this meets you in good health. My name is Barrister mike ego. legal practitioner and Attorney to late Mr.Steve moore who died in the plane crash of Yak-40 jetliner on March 9, 2000.

You may follow the link below to read about the plane crash where my client lost his life:

My late client was an influntial wealthy businessman, an Engineer Contractor in my Country and a Russian Oil dealer and the Principal owner of Oil Alliance Company. He left behind a deposit of Twenty Seven Million, United States Dollars($27,000,000.USD) in his domiciliary bank account in a commercial bank here in Nigeria Which is one of the main reasons it has been very important to locate his next of kin.

After the death of my client his bankers contacted me Barrister Mike Ego, as his Attorney to provide his next of kin who should inherit his fortune. The board of Directors of his bank adopted a resolution and I was mandated to provide his next of kin for the payment of this money or forfeit the money to the bank as an unclaimed fund.

The bankers had planned to invoke a clause in the property Act, to confiscate the funds after the expiration of a period given to me Barrister Mike Ego. I came across your name, while trying to locate documentation’s regarding possible relatives of my client in his country of origin and convienced that you may be able to act in locus for my late client as his next of kin.

I, Barrister Mike Ego, therefore, decided to contact you with these facts before me because of the status quo. By virtue of my brief and my closeness to deased, i am very much aware of my client’s financial standing and the bank account operates here in my country.

I have reasoned very professionally and I feel it will be legally proper to present you as the next of kin of my deceased client and the sole beneficiary of his estate, so that you can be paid the funds left in his bank account. I seek your consent to present you as the Next of Kin; the bank needs only the facts as presented legally.

The rest is between you and I Barrister Mike Ego, and with my guide we can have the money paid into your account, once this is done we shall both share the funds. 50% to me and 40% to you, while 10% should be for Taxes as your Government may require, I shall assemble all the necessary legal documents that will be used to back up our claim.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see is transaction through, I assure you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect us from any breach of law.

Please contact me through my direct email ( )

Best Regards,

Barrister MIKE EGO

73 replies
  1. Buddy says:

    Please add Ada Ugoh to the list of names that have been sending similar emails. From Kpalime Toga.

  2. Batz says:

    5 years later and this scam is still going on. I just received the same message via facebook, knew it was too good to be true.

  3. Dmitriy Lubenskiy says:

    Want to share an experience with a similar Scam, that happened with me. After reading this I had doubts. I began to check all the data in the Internet, find a trick and found obvious hints that this is lie. In addition to the letters I received a photo of the passport of the man, photos with his family and authorisation sertificate. These photos are all similar facial features, the plane of rotation of the head and even emotional expression. It is obvious that the passport is made in the photo editor besides it’s not like a sample of the passport of the citizen of this country. Below I introduce to this post:

    Dear Dmitriy Lubenskiy,

    Thank you for your response. I am barrister Ojo Kenneth the family attorney to late Mr. Sergey Lubenskiy, a national of your country who died with his entire family in auto accident on the 30th of April, 2007 and left nobody as a Next of Kin that can lay claim to his estates worth US$10.5M deposited in a bank here.

    I have contacted you to claim the estate of my late client since you share the same last name. Note, this claim will be carried out legally without any consequences. I will present all the necessary legal papers that will back up the claim that you are the next of kin/rightful beneficiary of the estate left by the deceased.

    I will present all the necessary legal documents that will back up your claim that you are the next of kin / legal beneficiary of the property left by the deceased. Note that the entire process cannot last more than Ten (10) days of your cooperation. Firstly, i want to assure you that this requirement will be conducted lawfully and without reaching of any lawyer.

    I am sending you copies of my documents, so you can see who you are about going to deal with, find enclosed copies of my international passport, my family picture and authorization exercise.

    According to the financial law and related matters in respect of claim to the estates, next of kin to ensure the security of the information that was given to the deceased as at the time when the deposit was made in the bank for the dead. However, as the family lawyer, I was involved in opening an account and I have to file all the information that the bank may require for the release of funds, but I’m not able to claim the money because I advocate the dead, and only act in a fiduciary capacity (in trust) as a lawyer of the deceased. Thus, I can assure you that we will be successful in this claim. All I require from you is your complete honesty, cooperation, and that you will follow my instructions at all times. The first step in getting the funds transferred to you as the next of kin of the deceased and the legal recipient of funds must submit application requirements to the bank where the fund is set aside for release of funds for you. So I have to apply formally to the bank on your behalf so that they can process the application for the issuance and transfer of funds deposited for you.

    To apply and fill in the formal statement of claim to the bank on your behalf, you must confirm the following information:










    I suggest that the mode of separation is as follows: 40% for your participation in this transaction for standing as a next of kin of my deceased client, and 40% for me, while the remaining 20% will be transferred to the charity homes around the world. But if you feel otherwise, feel free to let me know. Please note that once the fund is transferred into your account, then you will make arrangement for me to come and meet you in your country to collect their share.

    I would also like to invest a certain percentage of its share in your country. I hope that you will guide me through this process. I presented my direct phone number of contact below. Also, give me your direct telephone numbers for easy communication.

    I await to hear from you in the near future.


    Ojo Kenneth Esq.

    Republic of Lome – Togo in West Africa.

    Tel: (00 228) 93 21 38 67.

    Chamber’s Name: Peace Associates.

    Address of the office at Boulevard Eyadema ? 12 01 BP 91 367, Lome, Togo.

  4. Dennis Ribalchenko says:

    I also Got a letter from Hillary Tawsiffi Barrister i realy waned tu belive this but after googeling a half an houwer i understuud that it was all to good tu be tru, verry disepointing becose i was planing to help mi famalie and frends out of the problems in this live. I am veri angry in the mather a fact that this cind of punks play with hopes of desperet people. i hope some one wil punnisch them with great vangens end hot fury so they wil know for the rest of ther miserable lives not tu mislead people this pefettik way.

  5. Mary says:

    I the following via facebook. Immediately knew its too god to be true, so I google him and found this site. Wish we could do something to people like this.

    David Udo
    Dear Morning,

    I am Barrister David Udo,a solicitor at law and a personal attorney to Late Mr.T.B.Morning,a national of your country here in after referred to as My client worked as an independent contractor here in Lome Togo.He has an estate what of $4m.The management of the Finance Firm has issued me a notice as the personal attorney to the deceased customer that I should present a next of kin so that the fund left behind in their custody should be released to him or her.

    Once I ascertain your willingness, I will furnish you with more information.E-mail david_udo1 @
    Barrister David Udo,
    Best Regards,


  6. alberto navarro says:

    es lo mismo que a mi me envio un tal Ayi Komi,se los transcribo tal como me lo envio y las respuesta que le di,
    Seria bueno actuar en contar de este tippo de personas estafadoras, porque si fuera cierto, lo que dicen y las cantidades de dinero ya estariamos todos en la revista Forbes

    Saludos a usted Alberto Navarro,

    Yo soy abogado Ayi Komi, un abogado, yo soy el abogado personal de un nacional de su país el Sr. Carlos Navarro, que solía trabajar con una empresa de desarrollo en Togo, Lomé. Solía ser mi cliente.

    Mi cliente murió aquí con la familia desde hace años, desde entonces he hecho varias preguntas a su embajada aquí para localizar a ninguno de mis clientes extendida familiares, esto también ha tenido éxito.

    Después de estos intentos fallidos de varios, decidí seguir su apellido a través de Internet, para localizar a cualquier miembro de su familia por lo tanto, me puse en contacto. Tengo contacto con usted para ayudar a la repatriación de los fondos por valor de EE.UU. $ 6.2M millones dejada por mi cliente antes de que se confiscaron o declarados inservibles por la sociedad de Finanzas en esta enorme cantidad se depositaron.

    El dijo Finance Company me ha emitido un aviso para proporcionar a los familiares o su cuenta confiscados en los próximos veintiún días de trabajo oficial.

    Desde que no han tenido éxito en la localización de los familiares durante más de cuatro años, busco el consentimiento para presentarle como los familiares de los fallecidos ya que tienen el mismo apellido, por lo que los ingresos de esta cuenta puede ser pagado a usted .

    Por lo tanto, al recibir su respuesta positiva, entonces tratará la relación de intercambio y las modalidades de transfer.I tener toda la información necesaria y los documentos legales necesarios para hacer copias de seguridad de la demanda. Todo lo que requiere de usted es su co-operación honesta para que podamos ver a través de esta transacción. Te garantizo que esta se ejecutará en virtud de arreglos legítimo que le protegerá de cualquier violación de la ley.

    Es muy importante que envíe su correo electrónico y número de teléfono a mi e-mail:

    Saludos cordiales,

    Barrister Ayi Komi
    Togo, Lomé…

    07 de junioAlberto Navarro
    Reconoceras que esto es muy extraño, por lo que no te puedo dar ningun dato personal, a excepcion de lo que podriamos hablar por este medio, pero si me das mas informacion y que sea verifica y legitima, podria ayudarte sin ningun compromiso, esperando que todo esto sea legal, ya que soy una persona que no se mete en problemas…

    09 de junioBari AyiHola Estimado Alberto Navarro,

    ¿Cómo estás? Le doy las gracias por su pronta respuesta a mi mensaje enviado por correo electrónico. Realmente aprecio su comprensión y considero que es conveniente para darle los detalles de esta transacción que le permitirá entender la realidad de la transacción. Esta transacción es 100% legítima, en esencia, que se someterá a los procedimientos normales estipulados en la banca y sus aliados actúan asuntos y todos los documentos legales se publicará en su nombre y favor.

    Creo que usted estará de acuerdo conmigo en que el mundo ahora es un mundo de los negocios y es por eso que uno requiere la construcción de un legado sostenible para sus hijos y esto es lo que estoy haciendo. Hay dos categorías de personas en el mundo de hoy, que tenemos la gente pobre y el otro tenemos a los ricos. Por otro lado, para que uno sea rico ahora depende de su capacidad de hacer uso de este tipo de privilegio en la vida, no importa dónde se encuentre. No hay profesión que garantiza su patrimonio, por lo que hoy en día hay ingenieros pobres, los médicos pobres, pobres profesores, empresarios y mujeres pobres, los abogados de los pobres, incluso más pobre que una rata, por lo que su capacidad de capturar un gran privilegio asuntos mucho en la vida desde no hay nadie detrás de la izquierda para reclamar los fondos depositados. Es por eso que me puse en contacto, ya que comparten el mismo apellido con el Sr. Carlos Navarro, (bendita memoria), para que pueda reclamar a esta enorme cantidad dejado como sus familiares y voy a usar mi poder de veto como su abogado cuando él estaba vivo para tipificar como sus familiares desde el banco el mandato que me proporcionan los familiares de la reclamación. Es por eso que me puse en contacto en esta gran oportunidad de negocio ya que comparten el mismo apellido con el Sr. Carlos Navarro. Tenga en cuenta que no importa su país de origen, un familiar puede ser cualquiera y podría provenir de cualquier país sin distinción de color, Rase, tribu, nacionalidad, edad e incluso el lenguaje. Espero que entiendas esto?

    Quiero asegurarles que lo que he presentado ante ustedes es tan claro como la luz del día que nunca pondrá en peligro su posición en cualquier caso. Estoy Ayi Komi del país de la República de Togo de la ciudad de Lomé, que se encuentra en la parte occidental de África, un médico certificado legal y abogado principal de trabajo en todos los ámbitos de la familia Tribunal Competencia.

    He sido el abogado personal en representación de la tarde el Sr. Carlos Navarro, durante muchos años antes de conocer a su prematura muerte, Desde entonces, he hecho todo lo posible para localizar a sus familiares sin ninguna suerte. La mayoría de sus propiedades han sido objeto de vandalismo por matones y algunos más crecido por las malas hierbas ya que no hay nadie que cuide de ellos.

    Se le entitiled al 40% del total del fondo a la conclusión de la transacción, el 10% se utilizará para terminar el Sr. Carlos Navarro proyecto de la fundación de caridad, yo voy a ganar un 45% del fondo de mis servicios mientras que el 5% se Maped a hacerse cargo de todos los gastos, pero tenga en cuenta que este 10% sólo se puede sacar después de que el fondo debe haber sido remitido a usted. Voy a ir a su país cuando los fondos se entreguen a usted para conocer en persona en su país para compartir / desembolso de los fondos.

    Difunto Sr. Carlos Navarro, nació en 1944. Se trabajó con una compañía de desarrollo como ingeniero y más tarde se retiró a la práctica privada como consultor y formó una compañía petrolera sevicing. Operó una cuenta de un banco aquí en Lomé, Togo hasta su muerte.

    Permítanme poner a usted que en las industrias de banca, las ocasiones y oportunidades como esta son comunes pero no oídos. La gente pone su dinero en los bancos y algunas de estas cuentas están o codificado o confidencial operado, por lo tanto, cuando estas personas mueren, ¿qué crees que pasa con estos dineros que nadie viene por sus reclamos? Bueno, esta es una de las avenidas numerosas buenas “libre” el dinero se realizan dentro y entre los funcionarios de los bancos. Yo estaba al tanto con su operación desde el Banco así lo voy a presentar un pariente próximo de la demanda de este fondo. Le enviaré una copia de mi carta redactada aplicación y hacia adelante para llenar correctamente y enviar al banco, este automáticamente la señal del comienzo de la transacción como todos los demás procedimientos se remitirá a usted también.

    Tenga en cuenta que esta operación requiere una confianza máxima sinceridad, y la confidencialidad de su celebración. Puede ponerse en contacto conmigo en mi teléfono: +228-52-74-5-96 y envíame tu número de teléfono privado para mejorar nuestra comunicación.

    Espero su pronta respuesta

    Saludos cordiales,

    Ayi Komi (Esq.)
    Lomé, Togo…

    09 de junioAlberto Navarro
    Haber si entendi Bary Ayi, tu eres abogado, y fuiste abogado de Carlos Navarro, y este señor fallecio hace años, dejando una suma de dinero en el banco, cosa que tu quieres rescatar y entregarla a los familiares del señor Carlos Navarro, pero como no has tenido suerte en encontrar a familiar alguno de Carlos Navarro, te pusiste en contacto conmigo por tener su mismo apellido, no te gustaria que te ayudara a localizar a los familiares y asi podrias hacer lo correcto, que seria entregar la herencia a familiares deeste señor?..

    09 de junioBari AyiEstimado Alberto Navarro,

    Gracias por su respuesta, agradezco su deseo de clase que me ayude a llevar esto a cabo, todo lo que requiere de usted es su co-operación que es todo, el Sr. Carlos no tiene ningún miembro de la familia ya que se remonta a un huérfano, por lo que no es necesario seguir buscando porque no queda nadie excepto yo y usted que sabe de esto los fondos de la herencia que dejó atrás, el primer paso a seguir en este proyecto es la letra de la aplicación, ahora yo voy a enviar a usted la carta de solicitud que enviará al banco para el inicio del proceso de la transferencia, usted debe estudiar cuidadosamente la carta de solicitud, Complete y firme y luego me envíen una copia para confirmar si se puede antes de enviarlo al banco para su aprobación y posterior traslado de el fondo para usted como usted puede desear.

    Tan amablemente estudiar esta CARTA DE SOLICITUD elaborado cuidadosamente y rellenar según las instrucciones y me envíen una copia por primera vez por archivo adjunto de e-mail y en mi recibo y la confirmación, que le asesorará para enviarlo al banco para el inicio de esta transacción.

    Gracias por su comprensión. Abra la carta de solicitud en el archivo adjunto.
    Espero su pronta respuesta.

    Saludos cordiales,

    Barrister Ayi Komi
    Togo, Lomé.

    ************************************************** *********

    1. Su nombre completo … … … … … …
    Dirección ………………
    Número de teléfono ……………
    Número de fax privada …………..
    Ocupación … … … … … … ..
    Edad … … … … … … … … … ….
    Correo electrónico ………………………
    Alternativa de correo electrónico … … … … … … … … …

    2. El Director de envío de remesas de Relaciones Exteriores,
    Banco Atlántico, Lomé, Togo.


    Estimado señor,

    como a los familiares al número titular de la cuenta de aplicación; BA 4670927.

    I, .. (Su nombre), de la dirección ………..( )………. humildemente se aplica a este banco hoy en día de la fecha ….( )…… .. como los familiares a su cliente fallecido …
    Sr. Carlos Navarro …., Que murió el 24 de julio de 2006.

    Humildemente se aplican poner la demanda en el equilibrio con este banco por valor de ($ 6.2M EE.UU.), a la izquierda en el número de cuenta; BA 4670927.

    También me gustaría que mi solicitud se le dará una atención urgente como me gustaría que este equilibrio sea puesto en libertad y volver a pagar a mí.

    Acepte mis disculpas por la aplicación tardía, fue debido a algunos problemas logísticos de la familia que acaban de ser resuelto.

    Gracias por su cooperación.

    Le saluda atentamente,

    Su nombre y apellidos.

    ************************************************** *********..

    MartesAlberto Navarro
    Hola Bari Ayi, como esta, ya no tube noticias suyas, ya no necesita mi ayuda?

    MartesBari AyiPlease give me your e-mail i write you more..

    miércolesBari AyiThe bank manager has been changed and accounts numbers re-changed too, i sent an application letter including the bank contact and website, fill and sign it and then send a copy to me so that we can start this business..

    Hace 20 horasBari AyiDid you receive my message, give me your phone number so that i can write you a phone message when ever i send a message to you…

  7. leh says:

    He sells scans of real documents on some websites for $3-$20. This is considerable amount for some African countries where monthly income can be $100… Those who buy these scans can use them in many malicious ways. For example, to register websites, hostings, to register in casinos, even to take a loan in online banks probably. To organize pyramids, etc.

  8. Azianie says:

    This guy still dont stop…

    Below msg that I have just receive today…

    Chael Ukwandu April 14 at 3:16pm Report
    Dear Manap,

    Please i will appreciate that you get back to me after going through this email for more clarification.

    I am Barrister Michael Ukwandu, a solicitor at law, i need your assistance to represent my late client Engr.J.B.Manap, fund valued at (us $9.5million) that his bank wants to comfiscate, You bear the same last name with my late client and he is also a national of your country.

    Please get back to me through this email for more details( with the following information for further clarifications.

    Full name…………
    Contact Address……
    Private Email……….

    ( )

    Yours faithfully,
    Barrister Michael Ukwandu.

  9. john says:

    Had same scam from Amadi Ugo.
    Diplomat at airport with boxes yellow seal
    Wanted £3500 for release to deliver.
    No way don’t fall for it. Thanks for this website
    Well done.

  10. kurilov aleksei says:

    Scam I receive is:

    Dear ??????? ???????
    I am an attorney at law and the principal partner of PETER LEWIS & PARTNERS. I hail from lome Togo, West Africa. My reason for contacting you is to transfer an abandoned $11, 500,000.00 to your account belonging to a deceased client of mine that died on motor accident and bears same last name with you
    He died without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. so it will be very easy to make you become his official next of kin.
    If you are interested you do let me know so that I can give you Comprehensive details on what we are to do. My private email is ( )
    Yours faithfully,
    Barrister Peter Lewis
    Telephone. 00228-9094153

  11. he is at it again says:

    Good day. Kurt Staelens
    I have emailed you earlier without a response. In my first email I mentioned about my late client who died on motor accident whose relatives I cannot get in touch with because he did not put down any WILL. I am compelled to do this because I would not want the bank to push my clients funds into the bank treasury as unclaimed inheritance and the amount involved is $11.5 million dollars.
    He died without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. Fortunately, both of you have the same last name so it will be very easy to make you become his official next of kin.
    If you are interested you do let me know so that I can give you Comprehensive details on what we are to do. My private email is ( )
    Yours faithfully,
    Barrister Peter Lewis
    Telefax. 00228-9094153

  12. janelle says:

    I got this today on fb

    Dear Janelle Chudzik,

    I am Barr.Mike Larry a legal practitioner, I am the personal attorney to K.M.Chudzik,a consultant.On the 21st of April 2006, our deceased customer,his wife and their only daugther were involved in a Car accident and It was unfortunate that our deceased customer and his family all lost their lives in that crash.

    Do kindly contact me directly on my private email adddress below thus;( for more details inrespect for the claim of his Estate/Fund valued(usd$12.5.Million)left behind before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by

    the Finance Firm.
    Best Regards
    Mike Larry (Esq)
    Principal Attorney,
    Lome Togo.

    I have responded similar to Trina, its sad now that this sorta thing is going around fb

  13. Trina says:

    I got this on Facebook::
    I am Barrister MARK APO, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to my late client Mr.B.Friend, A national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo.who died On the 30th of April 2006, my client was involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    i have tried to locate my client relatives but all my effort prove abortive that’s why i decided to contact you through his last name,I contacted you to assist in reparatrating the fund.

    Contact me:( +228-7283508.

    I responded by saying I don’t know how I could possibly be of any help to you. I don’t know your client.

  14. Debbie says:

    I got the same thing on my Face Book page, I wonder how many people fall for these…….Scam artist have a very sad life!

    This is the comment I got on my FB page, where is the security when you need it?

    Do reply only through my direct email:(

    I am Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh,Personal Attorney to your late relative Engr. J.B.Butterworth, one of the biggest Togo Contractors,until his death last Five years ago in motor vehicle accident in the capital city Lome Togo West Africa ,He Banked with The (Banque Atlantiuqe) and had a closing balance as at the end of September,2004 worth $9.500,000.00 (Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars).For more information

    Please Kindly forward to me the following information for easier communication on this regards.

    Your Full Name,————-
    Your Contact,———
    Your Occupation,————-
    Your Age,——————-
    Telephone N°,—————–
    Private Email.——————

    Yours service,
    Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh.
    Phone Call me +228 972 96 21
    Reply to my private E-mail:(

  15. Greg says:

    Dosta?em bardzo podobny list, my?l?, ?e chodzi w nim o to samo. Czy jest kto? z Polski kto móg?by wyt?umaczy? mi o co w tym chodzi??

  16. LeeAnn says:

    I got the same thing in my hotmail account. What a crock. Way too good to be true. how is he getting people’s e-mails? mine reads as follows:

    URGENT CALL ON:00228-934-02-75.


    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    I Am Barrister Raymond Mark,a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B,Sutter,a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message. 00228-934-02-75
    Yours Sincerely,
    Raymond Mark.

    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    I wonder what he will get from getting people to respond

  17. Fred says:

    I also received a email contains (see below). I googled and found this web-page. Can somebody do something about this? He (or -she) is sending this (in terrible dutch) messages for about two years …

    Barrister MICHAEL YADINMA en kamers
    03 BP 2082, Cotonou,
    Republique du Benin
    Tel: +229-9648-3059

    Ter attentie van:

    Ik ben Barr. Michael Yadinma, de Advocaat van wijlen de heer Michael, een native / onderdaan van uw land, die vroeger als directeur van produits petroliers (TOTAL Benin) werk in Benin Republiek West-Afrika.

    Op 29.04.2007, mijn cliënt, zijn vrouw en hun drie kinderen waren betrokken bij een vliegtuigongeluk en helaas verloren hun leven. Sindsdien heb ik een aantal vragen gesteld om uw ambassade om een van mijn cliënten vinden uitgebreid familieleden, maar alle inspanningen was gewoon tevergeefs.

    Na deze verschillende mislukte pogingen, heb ik besloten om zijn achternaam track via het internet, aan elk lid van zijn familie vandaar zoek ik contact met u opgenomen. Ik heb contact met u om te assisteren bij het repatriëren van het geld achtergelaten door mijn cliënt voordat ze in beslag genomen of onbruikbare verklaard door de bank (Bank van Afrika, Benin Republiek). Deze enorme deposito’s waren met name ingediend, met de “BOA” waar de overledene een rekening had gewaardeerd op ongeveer USD 10,5 miljoen dollar dollar (tien miljoen vijfhonderd duizend Dollars van Verenigde Staten).

    De Bank heeft afgegeven mij een bericht naar de nabestaanden te verstrekken of de rekening in beslag genomen. Aangezien ik het ongelijk zijn gesteld bij het lokaliseren van de familie meer dan twee jaar. Nu zoek ik uw toestemming om u als de nabestaanden van de overledene, omdat je dezelfde nationaliteit te hebben zodat de opbrengst van deze rekening gewaardeerd op USD 10,5 miljoen dollar dollar kan worden betaald voor je en dan ben en ik kan delen het geld 50 % tot 50% van u en mij. Ik zal verwerven van alle noodzakelijke juridische documenten die kunnen worden gebruikt om een back-up elke andere claim die wij kunnen maken. Alles wat ik nodig is uw eerlijke samenwerking, zodat wij zien door middel van deze deal.

    Ik garandeer u dat dit wordt uitgevoerd onder een legitieme regeling die zal u beschermen en I from any of schending van de wet, maar je moet ook niet agree to openbaar or information related to eventuele deze business tot een body pass for reason veiligheid en om te voorkomen Wenkbrauwen, en de manier waarop we gaan om dit te bereiken is:

    Ik zal de volgende informatie nodig van u:

    (1) Uw volledige naam en adres.

    (2) Uw eigen telefoon-en faxnummers.

    (3) burgerlijke staat.

    (4) Leeftijd.

    (5) Beroep.

    (6) nationale identiteitskaart of rijbewijs.

    (7) Naam van uw bedrijf indien er sprake is.

    Mijn prive email adres is: Neem gerust contact met me onmiddellijk voor verdere actie.

    Wachten om te horen van u dringend.

    Met vriendelijke groet
    Barrister Michael Yadinma (Esq.)

  18. Helen says:

    I recieved the same letter! It’s really great african scame! Thanks you guys and thanks google for opened eyes! Be carefull!

    CALL ME.00228-9094153

    Dear Helen Skripnik

    I am Barrister Peter Lewis a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B.Skripnik, a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of June 2008, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.
    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.
    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$11.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.
    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.
    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.
    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.
    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number……………………
    Call me as soon as you read this message.
    Note: please you should send your response to my private email address:
    Yours Sincerely,
    Barrister Peter Lewis.

  19. Adrian says:

    This person has also tried his scam on me,he approached me threw facebook, he seems to be using more or less the same storyline, i am glad I was suspisious and googled him, is there anything we can do about it?

    this is the message…

    I am Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh, personal attorney to Late Mr J.B.Schravesande,a national of your country, Who died and left some huge amount of money with a bank here in Lome Togo West Africa, valued at US$ 9.5 million dollars. I have contacted you to assist me.

    pl’s call me (00228-9729621) Reply To My Private Email adresse for more details./
    ( With Yours full name,Your email address,Your phone number and Your Age.

    Best Regards.
    Barrister. Nkpalla Ugoh.
    Legal Practitioner and Solicitor

  20. YURIDIA PLASENCIA 23 7 2010 says:

    hola soy yuridia plasencia de republica dominicana por lo visto estos mensajes le estan dando vueltas al mundo ami me llego el mismo mensaje pero con mi apellido PLASENCIA lo recibi en mi pagina de sonico el 5 de junio del 2010 y a diferencia de los demas el abogado se dice llamar isaac johnson y siempre suelen enviar el mismo numero para contactarlos y por lo visto se k ahi muchas personas que caen en sus garras por no informarse como lo hicimos nosotro gracias a google por tener cada informacion k nesecitamos por k este es un fraude y es algo serio .Y A LOS DEMAS QUE ESCRIBIERON GRACIAS POR SU INFORMACION.SALUDOS A TODOS.

  21. YURIDIA PLASENCIA 23 7 2010 says:

    soy yuridia de republica dominicana a mi tambien me enviaron lo mismo a mi sonico el 5 de junio 2010 a diferencia de los demas el abogado lleva por no Isaac Johnson
    Junio 05
    Dear Plasencia, Your Family Notifications
    I’m (Mr.) Isaac Johnson… Esq a lawyer, personal Attorney to Engr GM Plasencia, a national of your country, who worked as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On April 30, 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along the Parkway… Ver más Kpalime.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. I have since made several inquiries to locate in any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to look through his name that motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family so I contacted you.

    I have contacted you to help repartrating fund worth $ 20.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security finance company (bank), where this huge amount were deposited.

    The foregoing warranty Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or account confisicated within twenty working days, an officer since I unsuccesfull locate the family for over 1 year and 6 months now, I ask consent to present you as next of kin of the deceased since you have the same surname, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid.

    Therefore, upon receipt of your positive response, we will then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all the necessary information and legal documents needed to back up the claim.

    All I need from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details. call . Me on this Telephone + 228 745-92-66


    Marrital status ……………..
    Age ………………………..
    Telephone ……………….
    Fax Number ………………….

    Regards. To Your Family

    mbre lawyer isaac jonhson

  22. trish says:

    yes i received an email from mark raymond and i suspect he is a total fraud. he sent me an email asking me to exchange my bank detail so he could send me 4.5 million dollars out of the 500 million that ive been inherited to. it sounds too good to be true. i have replied twice and they send a similar email every time. i know that this email is totally false. seriously i wasn’t born yesterday.. what a jerk.. i don’t believe any of it and since these email have been sent to others it shows everyone that this is not true.

  23. RIAAN says:

    This person has also tried his scam on me,he approached me threw facebook,then requested that i sent him a e-mail,he seems to be using more or less the same storyline, i immediately suspected that this was a scam and told him that i thought it was a scam, he has assured me that it is not the case, luckily you have confirmed my suspicions.

    What really upsets me is that this person is acting very sincere with words like “god bless you”, well barrister or whatever your name is, by using god’s name to steal from people is not a very good idea, and i can assure you will not be left unpunished, i sincerely hope that you can find Jesus Christ in your life and make peace with your maker.

  24. cristiane says:

    Eu sou do Brasil, e tbm recebi um Email com esse teor descritivo. desconfiei por minha familia ser numerosa e espalhada mundo a fora. Não demorou pra que eu descobrisse o truque. É muita falta de inteligência deste cidadão ou ele pensa que esta lidando com crianças.

  25. Johnny W says:

    Look below, I have recieved this e-mail just recently, I’m slightly confused, I take it this is all the same guy, i’ve litreally jut came across this site at a quick scan looking for info on the firm.

    The Principal Attorney
    (Legal Practitioners).
    Lome Togo West Africa

    Wilders Inheritance,

    I have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this matter. Let me start by introducing myself properly to you.

    I am Barrister James Peterson,Personal Attorney to your late relative Dr.M.B Wilders,one of the biggest Togo Contractors,until his death last Five years ago in motor vehicle accident in the capital city Lome Togo West Africa ,He Banked with The (Banque Atlantique) and had a closing balance as at the end of September,2002 worth 4.750,000.00(Four Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euro).

    The Bank now expects the Next of Kin to come forward as Beneficiary. Efforts has been made by the Banque Atlantique Togo to get in touch with any of the Deceased Family Relatives,but they have met with no success.The bank has given me an authority to provide a next of kin within few days,since I was his personal attorney when he was alive,that was the reason why I decided to contact you, so that you can put claim on this fund.

    The management under the influence of the bank Chairman and Members of the Board of directors is making an arrangement for the fund to be declared Unclaimed In order to avert this negative development.I have secured from the probate an order of Mandamus to locate any of the deceased beneficiaries,and more so I am assuring you that this claim is 100% risk free.

    All documents of proof that will enable you get this fund will be carefully worked.I want to let you know that this transaction have to be done legitimately and confidential Please Kindly forward to me the following information for easier communication on this regards.

    Your Name:
    Your Contact Address:
    Your Occupation:
    Telephone No:
    Private Email:

    I await your kind attention as quickly as possible for more information and directives.

    Do reply only through my direct email If you are willing to proceed with me.

    Yours service,
    James Peterson (ESQ)

  26. Karan singhania says:

    Hey i also recieved the same what a hopeless mail this is. They try to make fool bluddy rascals. I will sue him by infringement of act in Indian court. My legal prosecutor started the procedure. After that this all will stop they dont know who I am and sent me a mail.

  27. simon australia says:

    ive recently opened the same email to investigate this theifs name and i come up with this crap how can these scammers get away with this as so many people would be so vunerable this is the email i recieved please dont reply to these as they r crooks that need to be persucuted for their corrupt ways …….
    I am Barrister Franck Kings(Esq),a solicitor at law.personal attorney to late Mr.Robert Gilligan, who was a contractor with European Development company.Herein after shall be referred to my client On the 11th of september 2001 my client was involved in world trade center bombing unfortunately lost his live three mounth after the incident due to injuries he substained in the bombing , since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my client extended relatives but this has proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name to locate any of his relatives hence I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US$10.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Unitrust Security Company in Lome/Togo where this huge amount was deposited in a trunk box under the coverage of family valuables. The said security company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have this box confiscated within the next twenty one official working days as they don’t know the content of the box.

    Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating the relatives for over 2years now,I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased,so that the proceedings of this boxes can be transfer to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response,we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfers as I have every necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.Please contact me with my private E-mail;

    Thanks and God bless
    Franck Kings (Esq).ail

  28. Piotr says:

    Look at this one :
    My name is Taovi Chental, a solicitor at law, legal representative to Engr.A.M.Dabrowski, who is a citizen of your country and who used to work as a government contractor here in Togo.Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006 my client was involved in a car accident that claimed his life along with his wife and son.

    No one survived the accident. Since then,I have made several enquiries to locate any of my clients extended relatives abroad, but this has proved unsuccessfull.

    After these several unsuccessfull attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family. I have contacted you to stand as the next of kin to my late client, to repartriate the fund valued at US$20.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Finance Firm (bank) where this huge amount was deposited.

    The said Finance Firm has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 3 years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names and from the same country, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you and used by your family for good deeds like charity and other good humanitarian causes which my late client was involved in before his untimely death,rather than the corrupt bank executives and government officials taking hold of the funds and using it to further enrich theirselves .

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities of the bank transfer. I have most of the necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim. All I require from you is your honest and sincere cooperation to enable us see this transaction through.

    Please kindly Send your response to my private email address: and provide this informations below to enable me prepare an application letter of claim on your behalf and submit to the bank to commence officially and legally this claim.My telephone number is +228 827 5147 +228 827 5147 .

    Marrital status………………..
    Phone and fax number…………………..
    Private email address…………………………..
    Full name…………………………….
    Residential or office address………………….
    Date of birth………………………

    Best regards.
    Taovi Chental.

    and more

    Greetings to you today and hope all is well with you.The time you called me was about 3:00 am in the morning my local time and you woke me up from sleep.I was telling you on phone to send me an email so that I can respond back with the answers to your questions.Can you kindly send me an email with the questions so that I can answer back urgently.


    and more

    Greetings to you and thank you for your response,I could hear you on the phone,I guess it was the network that was the reason you could not hear me properly.What I want you to understand in this transaction is that aslong as you were a Dabrowski by birth,you are eligible for this transaction.I want you to know it was not by mistake that I contacted you,because I was left with no other option than this due to the fact that I have exhausted all possible means to locate any relatives to my late client as no will was drawn before his untimely death,and the deadline the bank gave for the next of kin to file for claim is just days from now.

    From my previous mail,I stated that my late client died in the fatal accident with his entire family.If no one is presented to the bank as the next of kin before the deadline eires,the money will be claimed by the bank and certain parcentage will also go to the government.I have worked hard all these years and cannot just sit by and watch this money disappear like a thin wind.I believe it is destiny that has brought us together for this golden opportunity.

    To prevent the funds being confiscated, I have contacted you because you also bear the same surname with my client to claim the funds with all documents and information to back You Up for the claim.

    I assure you, you have nothing to fear, the bank will not ask questions about your relationship with the deceased as long as I was the one that presented you to them, what the bank will be interested in is the documents to be authenticated in your name as next of kin and those documents will be available at the high court and government offices responsible for the remittance of the money to you.I cannot do this alone, so I’ve contacted so that we can both work together as partners to apply for the release and transfer of this fund.All mechanisms have been put in motion for a hitch free of the transfer of this fund to any bank account of your choice, what I need is your honesty, sincerity and committment to this transaction, as this is an opportunity of a life time for both of us here.

    All procedures will be followed legally, all directives strictly adhered to protect us against any violation of law, both locally and internationally.This transaction would not take us up to three weeks to complete depending the speed at which we go about the processing of documentations that will be needed by the bank.The first step in this transaction is to send an application letter to the bank to formally and legally start the transaction, I will as your local representative prepare an application letter and send it to the bank on your behalf, I will need the informations which I requested from you in my first mail to you.The full name of my late client was Andrzej Marcin Dabrowski,he was born in Lomza,the north-eastern part of Poland.His date of birth was on the 10th of May 1938.Please bear in mind as I have stated,if no one is presented to the bank,the bank will claim the money and the greedy bank directors shall share the money amongst theirself,this money can do alot of good if claimed by us.

    I wait for your response.


    think is finish think again

    Greetings to you and thank you for your response.I appreciate all that you are doing for me.Incase you are not successful,you can stand in as the next of kin aslong as you were once a Dabrowski.


    one more

    Greetings to you today and hope you and your family had a lovely weekend.As I said previously the time limit the bank gave for me to present the next of kin is just some days from now and if no one comes for the claim the money will be confiscated by the bank as a long over due claim.We don’t really have time to start searching for extended relatives,I did inform you that I had also tried searching but was unsucessful.

    Aslong as you were once a dabrowski by marraige,you can claim the funds yourself and after the successful completion of the transaction,then you can still search for the extended relatives with funds at your disposal if you still wish,but the most important thing now is to apply for the release and transfer of the funds so we shall know what and what the bank shall need to release and transfer the money in your favour.I have the legal documents to back you up for claim,while the rest documents will be obtained from the court of justice and government offices to protect you from any breach of the law.The bank will not ask you your relation with the deceased because I the personal attorney was the one that presented you to them.I believe it is destiny that has brought us together for this golden opportunity.This transaction is 100% legal and risk free so you have nothing to be worried about.All procedures shall be carried out legally in the eyes of the law.

    I want to ask you if you were in my shoes what will you do,won’t you try to protect the estate or properties of your client.This transaction is for real which you shall see for your self.And please take note,if more than one person bearing the same last name comes for the same claim,it will jeopardise this transaction,so please don’t eose this transaction to any one.

    I wait for your response.


    Will keep you posted as i intend to ride this jerk for a while :)

  29. Randolph says:

    I am Barrister Muchacha Igodo,a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B,Randolph,a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 3years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message.00228-833-73-88.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Muchacha Igodo.

    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    This guy is a JOKE! Adios muchacha!

  30. Anyone.... says:

    Well people heres´mine!!!!!!! I just replyed to ask how he new about me, since I do´nt have relatives in africa….

    Thanks for your response, I am the personal/ confidential attorney to the late Engr.J B Barrientos, who was a very big contractor here in Lome Togo until his untimely death.He died on the 30Th of April 2007 without any survivor, Since then I have made several enquirers to locate his extended family or relative without success,

    After making these attempts for some time now, I decided to contact you since you have the same last name with him because the bank where he deposited his fund( US$9.5million) has issued me a final notice since one week setting a deadline of 21 days within which I have to forward the details of a next of kin to Late Engr.J B Barrientos, for the claims of this fund or have it frozen at the expiration of the said deadline.

    The reason being that this fund has been dormant since the past three years. Its as a result of this that I am seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last name so that this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, I need your full guarantee to cooperate with me and full assurance that I will receive my commission as soon as the bank transfers this fund to your bank account. I will send you a copy of the death certificate of the late Engr.J B Barrientos, issued to me by the hospital authority here after his death.Its quite very necessary that we agree on what I will be entitled for my assistance to claim this fund with all the necessary backing up.

    I have other information’s which are most vital for successful claim of this fund without any hitch. The Death certificate is with me, I will be forwarding it to you upon demand by the bank because the Death certificate was the important proof that must be requested from the next of kin by the bank. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will free from any breach of the law.

    I will be sending to you an application form of claim which you will fill and send to the bank for the claim(release / transfer) of this fund to your bank account. The application has to be sent to the bank foreign remittance department. As soon as the bank receives your application form, they will acknowledge it and request information’s regarding this account from you which I already have. Immediately they receive these information’s, they will be proceeding for onward transfer of the fund to your bank account without further delays.

    The whole process of this transaction will take about 21 bank working days to conclude. I will be waiting for your immediate response to enable us proceed so that we can conclude the whole process within the time frame mandated by the bank. I will send to you the documents of claim upon the demand by the Bank. as soon as I heard from you I will send an application form for you to fill and send to the bank.

    This transaction is 100 % risk free if only you abide in my advice and instructions the bank will release /transfer the money into your account within the next two weeks.

    Looking forward for your co-operation so that I will direct you on the next action.

    Your home address………..
    A copy of your ID………….
    Your phone number……….

    Call me as soon as you read this message. 00228-833-73-88
    May the good LORD bless you and your family.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Barrister Michael Ukwandu
    TEL:00228 833-73-88

    and another one like this…..

    Dear …….

    Once more I will like us to agree on one thing because when two agrees on one-thing they will achieve the best of goals, If we must achieve our goal then we must take this transaction as our pursuit and we must transact it diligently with truth/honesty and by responding urgently to enable us meet the bank limit times because we have only 21 working days to complete this transaction.

    You have to understand that in a transaction like this there maybe a little expenses to champion the project so you must understand that every expanse’s that may come up for successful of this claim will be handled 50/50 by both of us.

    As soon as I may hear from you I will send an application form of claim which is the next step to our achievement.

    I will appreciate you assure me the following.

    1..that this funds will be safe in your hands until I come over for sharing.

    3..that you will not cheat/betray me at the very end of it. My whole hope depends on you and it took me time to start consulting you for this transaction and as such will not want anything to jeopardise the success of this project.

    4..that you will treat this transaction with utmost maturity and confidentiality considering the amount of money involved. This is to safeguard our security after when the funds is transferred to your account. So no third party involvement is required.

    As soon as I may hear from you I will forward an application form of claim which is our next step of action.

    God bless us all.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Barrister Michael Ukwandu
    TELL/00228 833-73-88.

  31. Tatjana says:

    I recieved similar today (28.01.2010.) from Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh to my Windows Life profile:

    Dear Milicevic,

    I have the pleasure in writing this letter to you in strict Confidence and I know that my letter will come to you as a great surprise, since we have never met before.(Reply to my private E-mail:(

    My name is Barr.Nkpalla Ugoh. I am a Lawyer, I reside and practice in the Republic of Lome-Togo. I am writing you this letter with good faith in respect of one late Mr.J.B.Milicevic,who was my client here in Togo, until his untimely death in the year 2004, in a ghastly motor accident, which claimed his life along with that of his wife and only Son,who were his co-occupants in the ill-fated automobile, with which he was traveling on that fateful day.In the light of thea foregoing,I am now faced with a new challenge and moral question of whether to allow the financial institutions where my late client had his monies to appropriate it to themselves, because he seems to have had no survivor, next of kin, or who should demand for and collect these monies from the financial institution.

    In my capacity as his attorney, a fact that is well known to the financial institution in question, I have been the closest person to him while he was alive, haven worked with him in all his business projects in my professional capacity.I am therefore contacting you to solicit for your co-operation because your having the same Last/Surname with the deceased will be of immense benefit/assistance to me in the pulling out this fund from the financial institution, for our mutual benefits, hence I traced his last name on the internet.
    The combination of the facts that I was his Attorney and your having the same last name with him, will indeed enable us collect the sum of (US$9.5) plus interests accruing, which the deceased kept in a Savings and Loans Mortgage Institution here in my country. My idea here is that the two of us will share this amount with the accrued interests, in an agreed ratio, when it is paid to you as the supposed next-of-kin, because we need each other to make this happen.

    I will have access to all the necessary legal documents that will be used to back up any claim we choose to make to the money and no questions, or suspicions will be raised anywhere, since I was his real Attorney, until his death. I have earlier put this Mortgage institution where this money is, [which is located and situated here in Lome Republic of Togo], on notice, that soon I will be assisting my client’s next-of-kin in claiming and withdrawing the money.

    In response, the mortgage institution agreed, but asked me to do so very quickly, or seriously risk having the account frozen and the fund forfeited.Therefore, I earnestly solicit your honest/very sincere co-operation, in this matter.I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement, that will not involve any breach of the law.

    Accordingly, I guarantee that you will not be at any danger/risk of any breach of international/local law and will therefore not have any problem now, or in the future as a result of this transaction.My proposal is that you allow to be presented for this role so that documentation can be processed and payment made in your favor. This is a project which will see us partner to realize.

    I would be willing for us to discuss terms of participation in order to protect our various interests.If you concur with this proposal, All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Your full name……….
    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..
    Your private email ………….

    so that we can discuss proper regarding this transaction.I want to assure you right away that I have positioned this deal to not last for more that two weeks.

    Please am look forward to receiving your urgent reply to my private,E-mail:(
    Best regards,
    Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh.

  32. Jennifer says:

    I received a really odd email about a man with my same last name who i ronically enough died in a plane crash. Just to see what would happen i responded saying i had no clue what the email was about and in return i got reply for all my personal info. I just wanted to thank all of you people on here that received similar requests for posting them on here. I have copied the email that i received at the bottom so you know what other ones are floating around. Thanks again.

    Titled : Can you handle this project???

    Private Email;

    I am Barrister AMADI UGO , a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Mr.P.B Mckee a national of your country.who used to work as a contractor and importer in Lome Togo.[West Africa]

    I am the family attorney to (Late Mr P.B.Mckee,a national of your country who died with his family in a plane crash On the 26th December 2003, my client, his wife and their only daugther were involved in a plane crash

    I have made several attempts to locate any of Late Mr.P.B s relatives,all to no avail.

    I have contacted you to claim the estate of Late Mr.P.B valued at US$8.5million since you share the same last name with him.

    The bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his funds pushed into the government treasury.t was unfortunate that my client and his family all lost their lives in that crash.For more on the plane crash log on to

    Upon receipt of your response i will give you the details of this transaction.

    I have all necessary paperwork required to back you up for the claim.

    Note that this claim is under legitimate arrangement.Thanks for your understanding , waiting to hear from you urgently for more updates

    Yours truly
    Barrister AMADI UGO . (ESQ

    Good afternoon Mr.Ugo,

    I am not sure I understand this e-mail at all and if you could clarify this better for me that would be grat. Thank you again

    l received your mail with thank,l and the bank has search for the relative of my late client,But we could not loucate them,Before the paying bank told me to provide the next of kin to my late client,l pick you to stand as the next of kin to my late because your are bearing this same surname with him,All you need to do is to comply with my instruction and directive, So that we can conclude this transaction as soon as possible,Again you dont need to worryself because all the proof document to make you original next of kin is with me,Meanwhile we are going to conclude this transaction under legitmate arrangement,Kindly send down here your informations so that i can submit it to the paying bank on your behalf,This is the info i need below,

    1)Your Full Name…………………………………………
    2) Private Telephone & Fax…………………………..
    3)Your Nationality……………………………………….
    4)Your lD…………………………………………………..
    5) Your Profession……………………………………….
    6) Your Private Email…………………………………..

    Kindly send down this informations as soon as possible,This is my private Number 00228 972 98 42 you can call me for more discussion,Kindly reply me through this box;,
    l wait to hear from you,
    Amadi Ugo.

  33. antonio urrutia says:

    hola soy de la ciudad de concepcion pais chile y tambien me llego el famoso correo que a continuacon les adjunto:

    Estimado Urrutia,

    Estoy Barrister Taovi Chental, un abogado en derecho, abogado personal de Engr.AMUrrutia, un nacional de su país, que solía trabajar como contratista en Lomé, Togo. Aquí, en vez, se conoce como mi cliente. El 30 de abril de 2006, mi cliente, fueron involucrados en un accidente de tráfico a lo largo de Kpalime vía rápida.

    Todos los ocupantes del vehículo que lamentablemente se ha perdido la vida. Desde entonces he hecho varias preguntas aquí para localizar a ninguno de mis clientes extendido familiares, esto también ha tenido éxito.

    Después de varios intentos infructuosos de estos, me decidí a buscar a través de su nombre con el que me motivó a en contacto con usted, para localizar cualquier miembro de su familia, por lo tanto, me puse en contacto usted. Me he contactado con usted para ayudar en repartrating el fondo por valor de 20,5 millones dólares EE.UU. dejada por mi cliente antes de que se confisicated o declarados inservibles por la sociedad de Finanzas (banco) donde se depositaron esta cantidad enorme.

    La citada empresa de Finanzas ha emitido una notificación por proporcionar a los familiares o de su cuenta confisicated en el Diario próximos veintiún días laborables desde que he sido unsuccesfull en la localización de los familiares durante más de 2 años, busco el consentimiento de presentarles como los familiares de los fallecidos ya que usted tiene el mismo apellido, por lo que los ingresos de esta cuenta se puede pagar a usted.

    Por lo tanto, en la recepción de su respuesta positiva, entonces discutiremos la relación de intercambio y las modalidades para la transferencia. Tengo la mayor parte de la información necesaria y los documentos jurídicos necesarios que te apoye para la reclamación.
    Todo lo que necesito de usted es su cooperación sincera para poder ver esta operación pasa a través de y para más detalles.


    Marrital estado ………………..
    Edad …………………….
    Teléfono y fax …………………..
    Ocupación ……………..
    Dirección de correo electrónico privadas …………………………..
    ……………………………. Nombre completo
    Género …………………………………..
    Residenciales o de dirección de la oficina ………………….

    Saludos cordiales.
    Taovi Chental

  34. Marcella says:

    I’m from Brazil, and I received the same letter!

    I am Barrister Franck Kings(Esq),a solicitor at law.personal attorney to late Mr.Robert Halliday, who was a contractor with European Development company.Herein after shall be referred to my client On the 11th of september 2001 my client was involved in world trade center bombing unfortunately lost his live three mounth after the incident due to injuries he substained in the bombing , since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my client extended relatives but this has proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name to locate any of his relatives hence I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US$10.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Unitrust Security Company in Lome/Togo where this huge amount was deposited in a trunk box under the coverage of family valuables. The said security company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have this box confiscated within the next twenty one official working days as they don’t know the content of the box.

    Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating the relatives for over 2years now,I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased,so that the proceedings of this boxes can be transfer to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response,we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfers as I have every necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.Please contact me with my private E-mail;

    Thanks and God bless
    Franck Kings (Esq).

  35. Tito Osorio: says:

    Soy de Mexico, he recibido una carta similar a las anteriores, le respondi y me escribieron de nuevo, por lo que veo es una serie de cartas para algun fin de estafa, espero se informen cual es el fin y lo publiquen aquí: esta es la carta que recibi:
    Dear Osorio ,

    I am Barrister Franck Kings(Esq),a solicitor at law.personal attorney to late Mr.Robert Osorio ,who was a contractor with European Development company.Herein after shall be referred to my client On the 11th of september 2001 my client was involved in world trade center bombing unfortunately lost his live three mounth after the incident due to injuries he substained in the bombing , since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my client extended relatives but this has proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name to locate any of his relatives hence I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US$10.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Unitrust Security Company in Lome/Togo where this huge amount was deposited in a trunk box under the coverage of family valuables. The said security company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have this box confiscated within the next twenty one official working days as they don’t know the content of the box.

    Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating the relatives for over 2years now,I seek your
    consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased,so that the proceedings of this boxes can be transfer to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response,we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfers as I have every necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.Please contact me with my private E-mail;

    Thanks and God bless
    Franck Kings (Esq).
    Estimado Osorio,
    Soy abogada Franck Reyes (Esq), un abogado en law.personal abogado a tardía Mr.Robert Osorio, que era un contratista con company Herein Europeo de desarrollo Después de que se someterá a mi cliente en el 11 de septiembre de 2001 mi cliente participó en el bombardeo de centro de comercio mundial por desgracia perdido sus tres vivo mounth después del incidente debido a lesiones substained en el bombardeo, desde entonces a continuación, he hecho varias consultas a su embajada para localizar cualquiera de mi cliente parientes extendidas, pero esto ha demostrado sin éxito.

    Tras estos varios intentos fallidos, decidí hacer un seguimiento de su apellido a Localice cualquiera de sus familiares, por lo tanto, me he puesto en contacto con a ayudar a que el fondo en 10,5 millones de dólares de repatriación dejada por mi cliente antes de que se obtiene confiscado o declarado inutilizable por la compañía de seguridad de Unitrust en Lomé/Togo, donde este enorme fue depositado en un cuadro de tronco en el cobertura de la familias de objetos de valor. La compañía de seguridad dicho me ha emitido un aviso para proporcionar a los parientes más próximos o tener este cuadro confiscado en el siglo próximo un funcionario de días de trabajo como no saben el contenido del cuadro.

    Desde entonces he estado sin éxito en la localización de los familiares para sobre 2years Ahora, pido su
    consentimiento para presentarle como los parientes más próximos a los difuntos, para que el actas de cuadros de este pueden ser la transferencia a you. Therefore, a la recepción de su respuesta positiva, a continuación, trataremos la proporción y las modalidades de uso compartido transfiere como tengo toda la información necesaria y documentos legales necesitan para atrás le para reclama.

    Todo lo que necesito de usted es su sincera cooperación para que podamos ver esto transacción a través de. Les garantizo que esto se ejecutará en legítimos acuerdo que le protegerá de cualquier incumplimiento de la law.Please póngase en contacto conmigo con mi E-mail; privadas

    Gracias y Dios bendiga.
    Frank Reyes (Esq).

  36. Sharon says:

    I receive the same letter!!, thanks God for this site, I start looking info about this guy to make sure before send something and walla, I found this site with all this comments. This guy must work 40 hours a week writting all these letters, is unbelievable. Here is the letter:

    I have the pleasure in writing this letter to you in strict Confidence and I know that my letter will come to you as a great surprise, since we have never met before.(Reply to my private E-mail:(
    > My name is Barr.Nkpalla Ugoh. I am a Lawyer, I reside and practice in the Republic of Lome-Togo. I am writing you this letter with good faith in respect of one late Mr.J.B.Zeppenfeldt, who was my client here in Togo, until his untimely death in the year 2004, in a ghastly motor accident, which claimed his life along with that of his wife and only Son,who were his co-occupants in the ill-fated automobile, with which he was traveling on that fateful day.In the light of thea foregoing,I am now faced with a new challenge and moral question of whether to allow the financial institutions where my late client had his monies to appropriate it to themselves, because he seems to have had no survivor, next of kin, or who should demand for and collect these monies from the financial institution.
    > In my capacity as his attorney, a fact that is well known to the financial institution in question, I have been the closest person to him while he was alive, haven worked with him in all his business projects in my professional capacity.I am therefore contacting you to solicit for your co-operation because your having the same Last/Surname with the deceased will be of immense benefit/assistance to me in the pulling out this fund from the financial institution, for our mutual benefits, hence I traced his last name on the internet.
    > The combination of the facts that I was his Attorney and your having the same last name with him, will indeed enable us collect the sum of (US$9.5) plus interests accruing, which the deceased kept in a Savings and Loans Mortgage Institution here in my country. My idea here is that the two of us will share this amount with the accrued interests, in an agreed ratio, when it is paid to you as the supposed next-of-kin, because we need each other to make this happen.
    > I will have access to all the necessary legal documents that will be used to back up any claim we choose to make to the money and no questions, or suspicions will be raised anywhere, since I was his real Attorney, until his death. I have earlier put this Mortgage institution where this money is, [which is located and situated here in Lome Republic of Togo], on notice, that soon I will be assisting my client’s next-of-kin in claiming and withdrawing the money.
    > In response, the mortgage institution agreed, but asked me to do so very quickly, or seriously risk having the account frozen and the fund forfeited.Therefore, I earnestly solicit your honest/very sincere co-operation, in this matter.I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement, that will not involve any breach of the law.
    > Accordingly, I guarantee that you will not be at any danger/risk of any breach of international/local law and will therefore not have any problem now, or in the future as a result of this transaction.My proposal is that you allow to be presented for this role so that documentation can be processed and payment made in your favor. This is a project which will see us partner to realize.
    > I would be willing for us to discuss terms of participation in order to protect our various interests.If you concur with this proposal, kindly get back to me with your full names, your physical address, your direct telephone and fax numbers so that we can discuss proper regarding this transaction.I want to assure you right away that I have positioned this deal to not last for more that two weeks.
    > Please am look forward to receiving your urgent reply to my private,E-mail:(
    > Best regards,
    > Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh.

  37. Robert E says:

    I have the pleasure in writing this letter to you in strict Confidence and I know that my letter will come to you as a great surprise, since we have never met before.

    My name is Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh. I am a Lawyer, I reside and practice in the Republic of Lome-Togo. I am writing you this letter with good faith in respect of one late Mr. J. B. Eckenrod, who was my client here in Togo, until his untimely death in the year 2004, in a ghastly motor accident, which claimed his life along with that of his wife and only Son,who were his co-occupants in the ill-fated automobile, with which he was traveling on that fateful day.In the light of the foregoing,I am now faced with a new challenge and moral question of whether to allow the financial institutions where my late client had his monies to appropriate it to themselves, because he seems to have had no survivor, next of kin, or who should demand for and collect these monies from the financial institution.

    In my capacity as his attorney (Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh), a fact that is well known to the financial institution in question, I have been the closest person to him while he was alive, haven worked with him in all his business projects in my professional capacity. I am therefore contacting you to solicit for your co-operation because your having the same Last/Surname with the deceased will be of immense benefit/assistance to me in the pulling out this fund from the financial institution, for our mutual benefits, hence I traced his last name on the internet.

    The combination of the facts that I was his Attorney and your having the same last name with him, will indeed enable us collect the sum of (US$9.5) plus interests accruing, which the deceased kept in a Savings and Loans Mortgage Institution here in my country. My idea here is that the two of us will share this amount with the accrued interests, in an agreed ratio, when it is paid to you as the supposed next-of-kin, because we need each other to make this happen.

    I, Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh, will have access to all the necessary legal documents that will be used to back up any claim we choose to make to the money and no questions, or suspicions will be raised anywhere, since I was his real Attorney, until his death. I have earlier put this Mortgage institution where this money is, [which is located and situated here in Lome Republic of Togo], on notice, that soon I will be assisting my client’s next-of-kin in claiming and withdrawing the money.

    In response, the mortgage institution agreed, but asked me to do so very quickly, or seriously risk having the account frozen and the fund forfeited.Therefore, I earnestly solicit your honest/very sincere co-operation, in this matter.I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement, that will not involve any breach of the law.

    Accordingly, I guarantee that you will not be at any danger/risk of any breach of international/local law and will therefore not have any problem now, or in the future as a result of this transaction.My proposal is that you allow to be presented for this role so that documentation can be processed and payment made in your favor. This is a project which will see us partner to realize.

    I would be willing for us to discuss terms of participation in order to protect our various interests.If you concur with this proposal, kindly get back to me with your full names, your physical address, your direct telephone and fax numbers so that we can discuss proper regarding this transaction.I want to assure you right away that I have positioned this deal to not last for more that two weeks.

    Please am look forward to receiving your urgent reply.
    Best regards,
    Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh.

  38. senche abel shaku says:


    this person send me letter on 22 november 2009 saying my cousin
    had accident along they way in Togo but the problem is one i responded to their own email address.

    please any one who can help may do so please,plaese

    with regards

  39. Belle says:

    I received same mail! as people above i thought maybe i am the one shosen by some mistery dream become true & it’s not a spam, but i replied once thanks God didn’t give any info, i decided to search by their name & happy that found info about their fraud action!
    i received this:

    Hello . Baskanova,

    I do recieved your mail and like i mentioned before Iam happy to recieve your quick reply mail and i knew you maybe wondering why it should be only you i choosed among all the (Baskanova) in the world but believe me God knows why,though i will like you to realise that this project doesn’t matter if you are the real next of kin or family member or relative to my late client but depends on the same last name you are bearing too,which i will use to back and declare you as the next of kin to this claim,even in the bank and in Togolaise High Court of Justice as the bonifade next of kin to this claim so far as you will follow my directives and instructions to see this dream come to reality.

    Well,iam attaching the fund release application form of this claim to you,just for you to fill in your personal information on it,not bank informations yet and send it to the bank as i directed;and dont forget to send me a copy of it so i can print it out and walk to the bank tomorrow morning in your favour as your lawyer or representative here in this claim.

    So Thanks for your quick and understanding mail which i understood all the content very well but i am sending you the fund release application text of this claim,for you to show your interest as someone that want’s to help by applying to the bank as the next of kin depending my advise AND ALLOW ME TO PLAY MY VITAL ROLES because i don’t know your intentions or what you have in mind yet in this deal,Though i will like you to email a copy to me as a evidence proof which i will hold at hand as your local lawyer or representative when walking into the bank on your behalf in this claim because i will need to print it out and walk into the bank in your favour as your local lawyer or representative in your late cousin’s inheritance fund.

    Secondly as i need your help so much in this and also because of the bank mandate given to me to provide the next of kin to this claim or this huge amount will be confiscate as unclaim bill and later share by the bank management or push it into governmental reserve account,since none appears as the next of kin.

    So understand that it is easily for you to force a horse to the stream but you cannot force it to drink water and it is only a fool that you can go to the stream and still thirsty,so understand that there is no way this transaction will not cost us,though i don’t really know your financial capacity and i don’t know what it will cost us to transfer this money to your account in your name but do realise that this said fund is still in bank dormant and undeductable account and it have to be reactivate before it will start funtioning in your

    name as the next of kin as the bank management made known to me during the day i was issued the notice to provide the next of kin to this said fund.

    Since you are bearing the same last name with my late client,i have to use you as the next of kin because already the evidence informations proofs of this claim,which i will use to present you to the bank and to the Togolaise High Court of Justice prefectly and legally as the bonifade next of kin to this said fund,since a next of kin can be your friend,brother,sister, relative,family member,cousin,even can be orphnage home.

    Hope you understand my points and reasons because i don’t have to hid anything to you because i need your help,time and interest in this situation and i believe you are the solution to this matter,as i will like you to follow my directives and instructions as the person that
    contact you and also the personal solicitor to the main owner or depositor to this fund,until his untimely death with his entire family,which i pray that their souls will rest in prefect peace in christ Jesus name Amen….

    And have in mind that this transaction is 100% risk free because i have already studied the underground and background of this deal,before calling for your assistance but i want you to promise to keep the secrecy of this transaction confidential and out of second party;not that you will not inform anyone but let’s first finalise everything and as soon as this money is right in your account,then you can be able to open the cat of the sack because of the manner of this business,since this is bank transaction and any mistake will definitely stop this payment.

    Hope you understand my points and reasons because understanding is very important between you and me in this transaction,as you can quote with me,that a house that divide itself cannot stand.

    Nevertheless,i will go ahead and send you the fund release application draft of this fund,which you will email or fax directly to the bank as the next of kin,so that they will stop every necessary plans or arrangement they will be doing concerning confiscating this fund.

    Awaiting to hear from you as soon as you fill in your informations and email or fax it directly to the bank as the next of kin to this claim,to just to enable them stop they intentions or plans to confiscate this fund as unclaim bill and later share it within themselves as i was made to understood by a right source working also in the bank. And please don’t let the bank management knows i have a hand in this deal or working hand to hand with you,to avoid stopping of this payment.

    Hope you are getting my points and reasons in this matter.

    And scan and send me your identification i.d card THROUGH EMAIL,so that i will use to file some documentation of this claim in your favour and also swear affidavit in your name prefectly and legally as the next of kin to late Mr.F.N.Baskanova.

    You can call me on my number anytime +228 9724591 +228 9724591 during day time or evening time for more FURTHER discussion about this claim and i want you to know that this is a deal for both of us..

    Barr.Jacob Agbeme

  40. anne childs says:

    i have recieved the same email and wonder what they stand to gain ………obviously they already have our name and email address to have sent the email, me stupidly replied to the first one givin marrital status and age.
    although i have not been asked for anything else just sent a form to hand ino my bank, yes admittedly the saying is if it is to good to be true it probaly is …..but as some one that works and scrapes by day to day faced with this opportunity and the thought ov this money a lot ov common sense goes out the window and hope does come in maybe its not a scam maybe its geniune and im the one??
    hmmmmmmm i wonder if any1 has gone through with the full process and what the outcome was??
    although that some one wont be me!!!
    so bye bye 9.5 million ………….
    the dream ov what 2 spend it on were nice, so thanks mr nkpalla ugoh for the dream!!!!

  41. Peter says:

    This message is for Zack, on September 17th
    Zack is you give to them your passport personal information, I think you need to contact to your emmbassy to inform this situation

    Those peoples use the information to clone credit cards or access to your bank accounts

    inform to your bank and your Embassy They can help you

  42. Peter says:

    these are happend to me, How can sttoped this people, Wher can I put a claim abou this , Some one know wich authorities can persuit to these peoples?

    Thanks god I did not give them any information of me

    Dear Pedro,

    Greetings to you and thank you for your response.I want to state here that I have contacted you to present you as the next of kin to my late client. Considering the time which the holding bank has given to me to present the next of kin or else the money will be confiscated as a long over due claim.

    I believe it is destiny that has brought us together, and this is an opportunity of a life time here,I shall guide you in all ramifications,I know how these might sound but you have nothing to be afraid of,this is a legitimate business transaction and we shall abide with the inheritance law both local and internationaly.It is not a big deal were I got your name, I made some research and got your name through the internet information database, all I want to know is if you are capable of handling these transaction and if you can fulfill your own part of these deal.

    The sharing ratio is going to be 50/50 okay,I want to give you these offer so you don’t become greedy and have the intention of running away with my own share of the money,infact you shall promise me that you can be trusted and you shall keep these transaction confidential.The first step to move these transaction forward is to file an application leter of claim to the bank demanding the release of your inheritance fund.Once I receive these informations from you, I shall prepare the application letter and forward to the bank director’s office to officially and legally commece this claim,I shall also file for probate here in my country in your own name as the beneficiary of the funds,upon acceptance by the bank of your application letter,the bank shall then contact you directly,that is were I shall come in to advise and direct you further on what to do.

    Please bear in mind that I don’t time on my hands and you have to reply urgently to my mails.I look forward to your reply, please below are the informations I need to prepare the application letter.You shall also send me any identification you have.

    Marrital status………………..
    Phone and fax number…………………..
    Private email address…………………………..
    Full name…………………………….
    Residential or office address………………….

    Looking forward to your mail.


  43. Stephanie says:

    Got a similar email and I responded. This is what I got back. What a shame people are so messed up…..

    Dear Stephanie,

    Thank you so much for your response and interest to work with me as a business partner for the successful of this transfer into your new or old account.

    Although all i need from you is to follow strictly to my instruction and directives to enable the bank here approve your claim and transfer the inheritance fund into your nominated bank account without any delay. Although this transaction will not take us more than 7 working days for you to confirm the fund in your account as far as you work according to my direction.

    Meanwhile, all the information which will approve your claim as the bonafide next of kin to my late client is in my position so i will draft the letter of claim to you which you will fill and send to the bank here to enable this transaction commence officially as soon as i get your positives respond.

    You will be entitle of 40% of the total amount and 10% will set aside for any expenses which might occur during the course of this transaction while 50% will be for me.

    In fact, I am not supposed to tell you this because it is a kind of personal problem but for you to know how serious this is and also due to your interest and trust we both need in this transaction I am forced to let you know that my wife has a kidney infection and needs a kidney transplant. Our medical doctor refered us to India but I can not afford it now but where I have all my hope of saving her is in this transaction. I have spent all my life savings try to give her life until the transplant have been done. So please, I want you to give me your word of honour that you will not going to make this my last hope vanish by jeopardising this transaction.

    Please can you give me your word of honour by the following points stated below.

    They are thus:- will not cheat me during the course of this transaction. own share of the money will be in your safe keep until I come over to your country for sharing and further investment.

    3..that you will keep this transaction very confidential even from your best friend for safety of both parties.

    4..that you shall always contact me whenever you get information from the bank so that we will put heads togather as one family and get this transaction consumated successfully.

    This transaction will only take about 7 days or less for the money to be transferred into your account. But as soon as your application is approved then it will take about 2 days and the money will be in your account.

    As soon as I get your positive response to this my mail I will forward to you the payment application form which you will fill and fax it to the bank for immediately action from the bank.You can call me on my telephone no.+228-920 57 47.

    GOD bless you,

    Barrister. Nkpalla Ugoh.

  44. gillian says:



    :Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    I Am Barrister Raymond Mark,a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B,Quinlivan. national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.
    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Raymond Mark.

    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

  45. Ericka Lazarini says:

    Hola. Yo soy de México y recibí la misma carta de este tipo, sólo que ahora se puso Barrister Taovi Chental.

    Hay que alertar sobre estos defraudadores…

    Esta es su carta:

    Asunto: Urgent reply needed Ericka Dear Lazarini, I am Barrister Taovi Chental, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr.A.M.Lazarini, a national of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome-Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$20.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Finance Firm (bank) where this huge amount were deposited. The said Finance Firm has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have most of the necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details. PLS KINDLY SEND YOUR RESPONSE TO MY PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS: .My phone number is 00228 827 5147. Marrital status………………..Age…………………….Phone and fax number………………….. Occupation……………..Private email address…………………………..Full name…………………………….Gender…………………………………..Residential or office address…………………. Best regards. Taovi Chental.

  46. Luiz Alexandria says:

    I also received a letter with the same information. The big question is: How can we use email these people to find them?
    Some of you know how these people could harm us?
    They ask for personal information to falsify documents with our names?
    We have some way of reporting them to authorities?
    Thanks for your understanding,

    Luiz Alexandria (Rio de Janeiro – Brazil)

  47. pao says:

    a mi tambien me mando mail michael kwandu y cuando lepregunte de que se trataba me mando el siguiente mail:

    Dear Friend,

    Thanks for your mail received and thanks for your mail once again. Almighty God will surely see us through to the final conclusion of the transaction.

    You see, I have carefully planned the execution and I only needed the cooperation and assistance of a willing foreign partner to actualise the dream. I will be aliasing with you on what to do and how we could make this business work and succeed.. As noted personnel here, I know the terrain very well and can confidently tread on it without blemishes. It will please me so much if you accept this business proposal, assist me in actualising the dream and thereby reap the benefit of a well planned financial deal.

    I am an adult with a lovely family and I cannot get involved in anything illegal. I am also a legal practitioner and illegal transaction is against the ethics of my profession and my conscience and as such I can never get involve in any undignified or ignoble act or any transaction that will jeopardize or put my family in difficulty or make me loss my practice license.

    I cannot risk your personality or put you into trouble. I am a family man and I place a lot of interest in the family at large and Almighty God. At my age, education and professional status, I cannot delve into a venture that is detrimental and disgraceful to my family and to humanity at large. If I do it, I am risking my years of long service and consequent jail.

    I am giving you my word as my honour that this business is authentic and real and you can know me and have that trust in me by continuing with your maximum co-operation and expurgating fear from you. Should you agree to go ahead with me on this business, the transaction shall last for about 14 days, depending on your ability to give it your due attention. Also you should know that in a transaction like expenses will be involve and both of us should join hand to pay whatever expenses that is involve.

    Remember, it takes the strong hearted to venture into lucrative businesses and at the long run, enjoy the bounties of the uncertainty and risk taken. I will give you our next line of action if you are convinced and make up your mind to work with me on this. This money should be shared amicably between us on agreed conditions and part to be used to assist the less privilege ones.

    I’m sure with positive thoughts come positive results.I hope that after all of this work is done and the transfer is complete I hope to meet you in person so that I can thank you for your help and believing in me with your trust.

    I will be glad to talk with you on telephone for more details and clarifications.

    I will advise that you expurgate fear or uncertainties and let us achieve this for our mutual benefit and this transaction is 100% risk free, the greater future of our children and lasting partnership business relationship. Upon your acceptance, I will send to you a specimen of application which you will fill in the required information and fax or attached by email and send to the bank for the transaction to commence.

    Thanks for your understanding,
    Brightest Blessings
    Yours Sicerely
    Barrister Micheal

    Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out!
    © 2009 Microsoft Privacidad Términos de uso

  48. Sarone says:

    All those that are asking, what is this for? It’s a scam to get your identity. What for? Lots or reason, identity theft, is the major one. I’m pretty sure he decided to google peoples name and copied and paste the same message to everyone. Please becareful. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. That’s why google, and all other search engines are here to help us, when things like this are presented to us. Do the research, and usually you find out it’s false.

  49. keli says:

    hi everybody… I am keli, from Brazil, I received the same email, but what do they really want? don’t I get to understand, is a fraud, more the than they look for? for me they only asked my civil state and telephone. . . how did they get my last name? I have a supposed uncle that left a fortune for me. . . hahahahha!!!! that is good!

  50. Maxine McKeown says:

    I received this same email . see below.
    Dear McKeown ,

    I am Barrister Larry Michael(Esq),a solicitor at law.personal attorney to late Mr.Robert McKeown ,who was a contractor with European Development company.Herein after shall be referred to my client On the 11th of september 2001 my client was involved in world trade center bombing unfortunately lost his live three mounth after the incident due to injuries he substained in the bombing , since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my client extended relatives but this has proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name to locate any of his relatives hence I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US$10.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Unitrust Security Company in Lome/Togo where this huge amount was deposited in a trunk box under the coverage of family valuables. The said security company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have this box confiscated within the next twenty one official working days as they don’t know the content of the box.

    Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating the relatives for over 2years now,I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased,so that the proceedings of this boxes can be transfer to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response,we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfers as I have every necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.Please contact me with my private E-mail address:

    Thanks and God bless
    Larry Michael(Esq).

  51. zack says:

    Hello. I NEED HELP.
    i was being cheated by barrister nkpalla ugoh as told above,very similar and now i had given my identity to the sender. my passport information.
    now what should i do? help.

  52. Jakob says:

    hi everybody, I am from Poland and I got the message from that barrister too. It contains all the same. I inherited something…it is not a joke. Some years ago (15 or more) I got a similar letter, but by then traditional. A guy from Nigeria wanted me to help him to take 21 million US dollars from a secret account. First I was astonished, but the amount of money was beyond possibility to imagine by my mind. I phoned to embassy of Nigeria and asked if they knew what was going on. An official told me not to react to such letters cause it was total offence. If you give him all about you, first he got your identity, or you got the number of an account where you should put an amount of your money before the transfer follow. Now I see they started to make the same on facebook. RGDS to everybody

  53. Anthony A. Saccaro says:

    Here’s the one I got: Looks identical to one of those above!

    Subject: Urgent reply needed Anthony Saccaro

    Dear Saccaro,

    I am Barrister Taovi Chental, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr.A.M.Saccaro, a national of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome-Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$20.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Finance Firm (bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Finance Firm has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have most of the necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.
    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.


    Marrital status………………..
    Phone and fax number…………………..
    Private email address…………………………..
    Full name…………………………….
    Residential or office address………………….

    Best regards.
    Taovi Chental.

  54. kyle says:

    i just got one too!

    URGENT CNote:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    I am Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B. ,a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2007, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details. Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address:

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh

    Note:Please you should send your response to this my private email address: ALL ON:00228-917-16-79

  55. gina says:

    I received this message on hotmail. If something appears too good to be true, it usually is.

    From: No name
    Subject: Urgent….
    Sent: May 15 1:32 PM


    Dear Friend,

    This may come to you as a surprise since we have not met before. If I have made a mistake contacting you or you are not related to this person, can I please seek your consent to present you to the bank ?. Can I have your trust and confidence since you bear the same last names ?. You can reply positively or negatively.

    I am Barrister Amadi Ugo, a legal practitioner and solicitor at law, personal attorney to late Mr. G. Fiddler, a citizen of your country who lost his dear life on the 26th of December 2004 Tsunami natural disaster where he lost his life and whole family who were on holidays in Phuket Thailand. See web page for more information .

    He was a merchant in hygienic products via West African Coast tro Thailand as an import and export magnet. I have made several inquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives. This has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to search through, with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence reason why I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US$5.2 million (Five million,two hundred thousand usd dollars) left behind by my client, before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company(Bank) has issued me notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confiscated within the next twenty one official working days. I hereby seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this transaction will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please, kindly get back to me asap via my e-mail address that we can discuss on the best modalities of getting these funds across for profitable investments in your country under your supervision.

    Please i want you to reply through my personal e-mail address:

    Waiting to hear from you soon.


    Best regards.

    Barrister Amadi Ugo (Esq)

  56. rose says:

    Dear Beloved Partner
    I am Mrs.rose etsll I am from Ivory Coast West Africa.Please I want you to help me to inherit the sum of $27.000.000 Million.I will give you every details if you reply this message.I will give you 30% if help me in this transaction.Please give me details about you.Again promise me that you will not betray my trust.I come to you I need your help.
    God bless you as you reply this message.
    Mrs.rose etsll

  57. Stavros says:

    Son of a @!$#@$!#@, He just send me the email, thank god i google the name to find it out….

  58. Tero says:

    Ou jeah!!!

    I receive this e-mail on today28/7/2009
    Only thing which matches is my last name. Other thing is totally bull! We have protected lastname and this so called J.B. Erkinheimo doesn´t even exist (on this planet, maybe on the moon…)

    Be careful with these peoples, better not to reply anything…

    God bless mankind.


    Dear Erkinheimo,

    I am Barrister Sampsa Timoska, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B.Erkinheimo, a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$20.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.


    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number……………………

    Best regards.

    Mr. Sampsa Timoska .Esq

  59. zoritza ljubisavljevic says:

    Igual todo igual : Debemos buscar la forma legal de que alguna institucion legal tome cartas en el asunto de que estas personas que se dedican a esto no estafen a nadie mas . Debe existir un modo de agarrarlos y someterlos a la ley. para cualquier cosa estoy a la orden de la ley que pueda actuar .

  60. Karen Rakotonomenjanahary says:

    Thank God that Google exists and thank you guys for your comments. I’m from Antananarivo – Madagascar. If I’ve not made that search, I surely would have been trapped. Same letter as Nathalie, Fabia and Marcin, only the name changed. I’m wondering what their purpose is…What could be done against such practise ? Take care

  61. francesco says:

    Sorry, but I dont’t understand what is this kind of message I’ve received from facebooK…there’s someone that can explain me? Perhaps It’s a joke?
    Please send to

    Dear Francesco,

    I am Barrister Taovi Chental, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr.A.M.Pasquetti, a national of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome-Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client and his family were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessfull.
    After these several unsuccessfull attempts,I decided to search through the internet with his name which motivated me to contact you to locate any member of his family hence, I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$20.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Finance Firm (bank) where this huge amount was deposited.

    The said Finance Firm has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have most of the necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.
    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.
    My telephone number is +2289228562

    Marital status…………….
    Phone number………………
    Telephone & Fax number…………………..

    Best regards.
    Taovi Chental Esq

  62. Marcin says:

    Uh, I was close… I’m so naive…
    Thank God I found this site.
    I’m from Poland and also received on Face book almost the same message:


    URGENT CALL ON:00228-9171679

    Reply to my private email:

    Attention: G*****
    I am Barrister Nkpalla Ugoh, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B.G*****, a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..
    Your private email ………….

    Yours Sincerely,

    Reply to my private email:

  63. Fabia says:

    Não entendo por que enviaram esse e-mail, mas também recebi. Com certeza é um golpe. Take care.

    URGENT CALL ON: 00228-985-99-96
    Pls reply to my private E-mail:

    I am Barrister Michael Uwkandu, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B.Hildebrand, a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.
    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confiscated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message.Note: please you should send your response to my private email address:

  64. Nathalie says:

    I am from montréal and I also received this on face book.

    URGENT CALL ON: 00228-985-99-96
    Pls reply to my private E-mail:


    I am Barrister Michael Uwkandu, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B.Ianniciello, a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message.Note: please you should send your response to my private email address:

    Yours Sincerely, Signed…….

  65. Sarone says:

    Wow. I got the same thing! On my facebook, I thought it was a load of crap, so I googled his name and this popped up. I find it funny because Weidenfeller, may be my last name, but I was married into the family. Anywho, it’s exactly like the one above, but names were changed. Lolz.

    URGENT CALL ON: 00228-985-99-96
    Pls reply to my private E-mail:


    I am Barrister Michael Uwkandu, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B.Weidenfeller, a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message.Note: please you should send your response to my private email address:

    Yours Sincerely, Signed…….

  66. Michael says:

    I also received this on face book, but this time from Barrister Michael Uwkandu:

    URGENT CALL ON: 00228-985-99-96
    Pls reply to my private E-mail:


    I am Barrister Michael Uwkandu, a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Engr J.B.Haggberg, a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 30th of April 2006, my client, were involved in a car accident along Kpalime express Road.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to search through with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$9.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm(bank) where this huge amount were deposited.

    The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 1years and 6 months now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction goes through and for more details.

    Marrital status……………..
    Phone number.. …………….
    Fax number…………………..

    Call me as soon as you read this message.Note: please you should send your response to my private email address:

    Yours Sincerely, Signed…….

  67. Christopher says:

    I’m so glad that I googled this guy, except that in my letter he’s Barrister Michael Chibix, haha, I’m from Monterrey, Mexico and I have Dutch ancestry, and apparently I am the relative of some engineer who passed away in the 9/11 bombings, (Not on the airplane for a change) Oh and he’s from Togo, not Nigeria.

  68. Anzelle says:

    I also got one, but said I won with yahoo. yahoomailclassic/5.4.12 yahoomailwebservice/ From Barrister Mike, he is the lawyer.

  69. Vero morales says:

    I’m from Mexico city and I receive the same e-mail than claudia. The only thing that change is the last name because in my case is Morales. I think we need to be very cautious. Here you have the mail.. please read it and be careful when you receive something like this…

  70. Claudia Morgan says:

    Well my letter change a little bit, I guess he looves clients where they crash on airplanes lololol….


    Dear Morgan,

    I am Barrister Larry Michael(Esq),a solicitor at law.personal attorney to late Mr.Robert Morgan,who was a contractor with European Development company.Herein after shall be referred to my client On the 11th of september 2001 my client was involved in world trade center bombing unfortunately lost his live three mounth after the incident due to injuries he substained in the bombing , since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my client extended relatives but this has proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name to locate any of his relatives hence I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US$10.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Unitrust Security Company in Lome/Togo where this huge amount was deposited in a trunk box under the coverage of family valuables. The said security company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have this box confiscated within the next twenty one official working days as they don’t know the content of the box.

    Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating the relatives for over 2years now,I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased,so that the proceedings of this boxes can be transfer to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response,we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfers as I have every necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

    All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please contact me with my private E-mail:

    Thanks and God bless
    Larry Michael(Esq).

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